18 March 2007

Hello ya'll, this is mo ali from russia, day 2
So far the trip's been pretty nifty, and no we havent played with any snow yet.

Infact, it started snowing when we went to the museum, we spent some time playing with the snow but it all melted in a matter of seconds. The museum was pretty good, we met some people selling their paintings outside and they were collectors of "money", yes, money. So we finally came up with a use for riyals. An apparent 20$ painting turned into a 10qr one cause the guy was so generous, shall we say. (guillable in my opnion).

The museum itself had lots of classic paintings from all eras including a massive rembrandt collection. I also got a few souvineers for two people.
for Aya and *somebody*, yes u know who you are.

Finally, we went to this kick a$$ cathedral that had lots of paintings of jesus on it and we werent allowed to take pictures, but we had a good history lesson from tyler bout christianity. Oh and we're gonna add some pics of whats happenin in Russia, check em out.

Finally, it's not actually that cold here. Lots of people exaggerated about how cold it is. Well cya in 6 days or somethin
Ciao! MA - by the way, im wearing 4 layers :)

P.s. Wales beat England in the rugby! Yerrrrrrrr. Mr Will was disappointed he nearly cried - Steffan


Nadeel said...

noor called at 11:00 am
they were in AMSDM airport
Have fun!!

Anonymous said...

heyy howz u..did u get ur luggage mums worried..

Anonymous said...

we c no pictures... ck..!! nehow...do all the buildings over thr look like palaces, real elegant i heard :P how ru all btw..!! no one is homesick yet r they ?? =P

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

when r the other ppl arriving, i mean Ms.Pattison gang.

y is it that non of u guys ever come online....r u not allowed of something.

btw....i dont see any pictures up.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So did u see any cute Russians lol
So you guys are freezing lol hahaha
guuss what in Qatar it was raining the past 2 days
well i see no picsss

[[reeni]] said...

hey mr williams! we're in media lesson right now. we miss u! its ahmed,rachel,rahmi,sidra, and dj typing.where are the photos?? get us some sweets plzz =D there's no teacher covering up the lesson =D we're having LOADS of fun. dont worry, we're working really hard =D

[[reeni]] said...

uh. we're not having fun actually! its boring here!!!! we're working too hard, that we finished our work. =P adios

Anonymous said...

ali! come back home! i miss seeing you walk! haha

Anonymous said...

sat i've got teh results 4 the following trip tht u asked fo

Anonymous said...

where's the picture? we in the 'Great North' want to see russian :D oh btw hows the playa doing ? HAHAHAHAHHA tc

Anonymous said...

ppl hu are going wif mr green n ms hemmings fo the reach out to asa campaign are the following:

- ahmed abulkassem
- mohammed houari - charlotte
- valeri - yona
- ozi - vidia
- benni - rahmi
- imad - sidra
- bary - samina
- muneeb - fitria
- bilal - natasha
- saba
sry sat :( ... we wanted u 2 cum bt it's name out of teh hat :(

Unknown said...

this messege is for the year 10s...mo ali, uzair, nadia ,satria and rabbet.

yah i am going to Indonesia..its gona be much better than Russia :D we get to stay in a 4 start hotel...not 3...and it has "wireless internet" in each room..for free....and we have so much other stuff...like gym,golf...and so much other stuff..plus an amazing swimming pool.the avarege temp is 25C-30C..so we can go swimming...lol.

Anonymous said...

and btw...here is the is proper list of who's going to indonasia

Trip to Indonesia
The Lucky 15, plus 3 reserves.

1 Ahmed A 1ONLa
2 Valeri 1OCJa
3 Muneeb 1OCJa
4 Mohil 1OCJa
5 Ozi 1ONLa
6 Bary 1OCJa
7 Imad lOATh
8 Benni 1OJVa

9 Rahmawati 10JVa
10 Samina 1ONLa
11 Sidra 1OCJa
12 Charlotte 10JVa
13 Zulvidia 1ONLa
14 Fitria 1OCJa
15 Natasha 1OCJa

16 Saba 1ONLa
17 Bilal 1OJVa
18 Yona l0JVa

Anonymous said...

sat, send me a pic of a russian guy in skirts n wolly hats, ones tht got those borat mustaches hehe:P:P


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

who else was there painted next to gesus?

Unknown said...


How are you son having fun. Enjoy yourself fully and behave like a gentleman.

sohail & shazia